Industrial History Online

Recording Our Industrial Heritage

Images from the IHO Archive

Industrial History Online

Recording and Communicating Our Industrial Heritage

Images from the IHO Archive

The IHO database currently contains 26682 records and 7536 images

Shibden Head Maltings - Queensbury

Former malt house, Brewery Lane, Shibden Head, near Queensbury. Purpose-built, 120 quarter malting premises built in 1878 for the Shibden Head Brewery owned by the Stocks family. Designed by Brighouse architect, Thomas W. Helliwell, it was used for malting until at least 1932, when the Stocks concern was acquired by Samuel Webster and Sons Ltd., owners of the Fountain Head Brewery, who continued to produce their own malt until the 1960s. The building was demolished during the 1970s to make way for a housing development. Photo. April 1979.

Date 17 Apr 1979

Grid Reference:- SE 09538 29075

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