Description and History of Site:-
It was a rectangular three-storey cotton mill with a two-storey outshut extension to the south elevation which housed an extra grinding bay to the then corn mill; it also housed the water wheel which was fed through a partially-underground headrace tunnel underneath the west side of the building. There were stone-built sheds associated with the complex.
The mill pond extended from the turnpike road (later the A65) to c. 80m north of the mill but has long since been drained and partly infilled though the dam survives as a prominent grassed bank. A manorial soke mill was recorded at 'Anleie' in Domesday Book under the king's possessions. In 1620 the mill was physically extended to enclose the water wheel and to add an extra corn grinding bay. By 1720 the horse mill had been shut down and the mill began to decline as more corn was imported more cheaply.
In 1784 it was advertised as 'well situated for spinning cotton wool or flax' and by 1788 it was managed by James Brenard followed from 1793 by Thornber & Co. It was burnt down on 25 August 1825 though was still nominally a cotton mill in 1845 but in 1847 it was stripped and turned into a hay barn.
It lay derelict for several decades but is now converted to dwellings.
Further Reading and References:-Yorkshire Textile Mills 1770-1930 Colum Giles and Ian H Goodall 1992 London HMSO.
Nelson, J. 1994. 'The water mills of Ribblesdale'. North Craven Heritage Trust Journal, pp. 17-19.
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Key Words :- textile mill
Viewing the Site :- seen from adjacent public right of way
Address :- Settle, Settle, North Yorkshire, BD24
Grid Ref :- SD 8110 6230
Co-ordinates :- Lat 54.056303 , Long -2.290205
Local Authority :- Craven District Council
Pre 1974 County :- Yorkshire - West Riding
Site Status :- Site extant - Protected status unknown
Site Condition :- Site refurbished to residential housing
Site Dates :- pre-1086 - c.1845
Record Date :- 3 August 2016
Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 © IHS Database
Grid Ref :- SD 8110 6230
Co-ordinates :- Lat 54.056303 , Long -2.290205
Local Authority :- Craven District Council
Pre 1974 County :- Yorkshire - West Riding
Site Status :- Site extant - Protected status unknown
Site Condition :- Site refurbished to residential housing
Site Dates :- pre-1086 - c.1845
Record Date :- 3 August 2016
Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 © IHS Database