Industrial History Online

Industrial History Online

Middle Rasen Mill

Description and History of Site:-
Small tower mill known to have been in existence in 1827. Worked until the 1920s. The mill lost its sails in 1931 and was subsequently engine driven. It became disused about 1932 following the death of the last miler. Now part of commercial premises.

Dolman site 84 (not Listed)

Further Reading and References:-
Dolman P, Lincolnshire Windmills - A Contemporary Survey, Lincolnshire County Council, 1985

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Key Words :- windmill tower mill corn

Viewing the Site :- Can be viewed from the public highway

Address :- Mill Lane, Middle Rasen, Lincolnshire, L8 3LN
Grid Ref :- TF 09041 88744
Co-ordinates :- Lat 53.384295 , Long -0.362054
Local Authority :- West Lindsey District Council
Pre 1974 County :- Lincolnshire - Lindsey
Site Status :- Site extant - Protected status unknown
Site Condition :- Site refurbished to industrial / commercial use
Record Date :- 31 July 2014

Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 © John Suter