Industrial History Online

Industrial History Online

North Eastern Cooperative Society Department Store

Description and History of Site:-
North Eastern Cooperative Society Department Store. Early (1913-15) reinforced concrete building, faced with Portland stone ashlar. Architect Lionel G. Ekins.

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Key Words :- Department Store reinforced concrete

Viewing the Site :- Can be viewed from the public road or footpath

Address :- Park Road, Stranton, Hartlepool, Durham, TS24 7PT
Grid Ref :- NZ 50920 32200
Co-ordinates :- Lat 54.682290 , Long -1.211746
Local Authority :- Hartlepool Borough Council
Pre 1974 County :- County Durham
Site Status :- Listed - Grade II
Historic England List No - 1250532,
Site Condition :- Site in alternative industrial use
Site Dates :- 1913 -
Record Date :- 1 July 2015

Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 © Charles Morris