Industrial History Online

Industrial History Online

London Leather, Hide and Wool Exchange

Media visibility is - Public

Media status - Incomplete/unreviewed image record

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Caption:- London Leather Hide and Wool Exchange. 1/5. 'fellmongering', scraping the flesh and hair from the skins.

Media ID:- GTL03950.974
Media File:- 1699649727DSC08454.jpg
Key Words:- leather

Original Media By:- Robert Mason - 9 November 2023
Digital Media By:- Robert Mason - 9 November 2023
Copyright:- cc-by-nc-sa/4.0 - © Robert Mason - IHO

Image Size - 0.81 MP - File Size - 0.197 MB
Width / Height - 900 / 900 px - Aspect Ratio - 1
Type - jpg

Media Uploaded By:- Robert Mason - 10 November 2023
Media Status:- Incomplete
Reviewed By:- -

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