Industrial History Online

Charles Hay & Son Ltd

Record Visibility is - Public

Record Status - Reviewed Site Record

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Site ID :- GTL03733
Key Words :- Barge building and repair works
Linked Sites :-

Address :- 135 Rotherhithe Street, Rotherhithe, London, Greater London, SE16 4NQ
Grid Reference :- TQ 35302 79943
Grid Co-ordinates :- Easting 535302 m, Northing 179943 m
Lat & Long (WGS84) :- 51.502235 , -0.052031
View Historic Mapping
Site Location :- 135 Rotherhithe Street
Viewing Site :- on street
Parish or Township :-
Administrative Area :- Southwark London Borough Council
Pre 1974 County :- London
Site Status :- Listed - Grade II
Site Condition :- Site refurbished to residential housing
Historic England List No - 1385834,
Site Era :-Early Modern 1850-1950
Site Dates :- -
Visit By :- Robert Mason - 9 January 2022

Contributor :- Robert Mason - 10 January 2022
Contributors Society :- Greater London Industrial Archaeology Society
Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 © Robert Mason

Record Status :- Reviewed
Reviewed By :- Andrew Turner - 4 May 2022

Description and History

Former barge building and repair works, occupied by Charles Hay and Son, established 1789.

Further Reading and References

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