Industrial History Online

Industrial History Online

Wild Boar Fell

Description and History of Site:-
Between the 600 and 700m contours there is a series of discrete production sites with a multitude of millstone roughouts illustrating every stage in the production cycle, tumbler blocks with tooling marks and stone hewers' shelters:

Sandtarn Riggs - between Sand Tarn and the summit slope there are 3 abandoned roughouts 1.1m to 1.55m in diameter with thickness from 100-250mm. There is also one crude shelter, plus debris evidence of other roughouts having been worked and removed. Centred on SD756 988.

Yoadcomb Hill - in this massive boulder spread, below the main crags, 21 roughouts were logged along with negatives and many tumbler blocks with tooling marks. Diameters range from 1.3m to 1.7m, thicknesses from 150-250mm. This was patently a major production site. Centred on SD764 988.

High White Scar - among the boulder spread below this scar several tumbler blocks were logged with telltale tooling marks though no actual roughouts were logged. Two stone hewers' shelters were seen and logged. Centred on SD 763 980.

The Band - at the eastern end of The Band, above Low WhiteScar and also just below this scar 3 roughouts were logged along with a number of blocks with tooling marks. Diameters 1m to 1.5m, thicknesses 170mm and 180mm. Centred on SD759 980. Nothing has been located regarding the history of these sites.

Further Reading and References:-
Johnson, D.S. 'Millstones and grindstones of the Pennines and North-west England. A historical and archaeological survey. Industrial Archaeology Review, 44 (2), 2022, pp. 120-32.

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Key Words :- millstone production sites

Viewing the Site :- Open Access land

Address :- Aisgill, Hawes, Cumbria
Grid Ref :- SD 760 985
Co-ordinates :- Lat 54.381423 , Long -2.371017
Local Authority :- Eden District Council
Pre 1974 County :- Westmorland
Site Status :- Site extant - No Protection
Site Condition :- Earthworks only
Site Dates :- unknown - unknown
Record Date :- 7 December 2022

Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 © David Johnson