The following notes provide guidance on adding and updating media records to the database and on the type of data it is intended should be recorded in the various fields.
Please read the following Copyright Notice carefully, if any aspects are unclear please contact
the IHO Administrator on:-
IHO uses the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike 4.0 Licence Agreement
(subsequently referred to as cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 )and we require that all Contributors agree to all,
site records, photographs, images, drawings, documents and audio or video recordings (subsequently referred to as
Material) being stored and published under the terms of the that licence agreement.
IHO does not condone the use of Copyright material without the Copyright Holders permission and this includes the use
of or linking to material downloaded from the web.
Full details are given in the Code of Practice for Contributors to IHO
The cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 Licence Agreement allows others to use the Material on IHO for
Non Commercial purposes in return for Attribution. The material cannot however be used for Commercial
purposes. If anyone wishes to use the material for Commercial purposes they need to apply to the Copyright
Holder for permission and the Copyright Holder may charge a fee for granting such permission.
Non-Commercial purposes include private research, and educational use.
If you Do Not Understand or Agree to this Copyright Notice Do Not Proceed.
The Add New Media and Update Media Record modules are very similar and as such both are covered in the following section.
The Add Media module allows contributors to add images, audio or video or PDFs to any site record. In the following images, audio and video recording and PDFs are referred to collectively as Media.
When adding a new Media Record, the contributor is required to make Declaration as to the Copyright Status of the Media being uploaded. To ensure the integrity of the Declaration most fields cannot be modified using the Update Media module and if you find that you have made an error and have allocated the Media to the wrong Copyright Category please contact the IHO Administrator on:- The fields that cannot be edited are detailed in the following.
To Add a New Media Record:-
To simplify the data entry process the software only presents those fields relevant to the category of media being added. To commence data entry click on the relevant category
Unlike when adding a Site Record it is not possible to only add a subset of the information needed for a Media Record and then complete the data entry using the Update Media module. It is strongly recommended that you collate all the Mandatory Data before you start data entry. The Mandatory Data varies depending upon the Copyright Category of the Media being added and the differences are detailed in the following table.
Note:- if you navigate away from the Add Media page, before clicking the Save Entry button your data will be lost.
On the Add Media form the fields highlighted in BLUE and marked with an * are Mandatory and the form cannot be submitted until these have been completed. The following table details which fields are Mandatory for each Copyright Category.
Field | Your Copyright | YAHS Copyright |
Third Party Copyright | Out of Copyright | Web media Download |
Media File | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Key Words | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Caption | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Original Media By | Yes | Yes | Yes | Optional | Optional |
Original Media Date | Yes | Yes | Yes | - | - |
Digital Media By | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | - |
Digital Media Date | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | - |
Copyright Declaration | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | - |
Third Party Authorisation | - | - | Yes | - | - |
Media URL | - | - | - | - | Yes |
Additional Information | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional |
It is strongly recommended that you note this basic information down before starting data entry.
Images larger than 5Mb need to be compressed to 5MB before they can be uploaded. This can be achieved using several photo editing packages, one free one being
If using Infranview, open the file to be compressed. Select Save and JPG file type on and on the JPG sub menu set the maximum file size to 5000 kb
To Update an Existing Media Record:-
Once you are satisfied with the entry click the Save Entry button at the bottom of the page. Before writing the record the database the software validates the data.
Before the record is written to the database the software checks that the Mandatory Data has been provided and that there has been no attempt to insert malicious code into the database. In the event that there is missing or incorrect data you will get the error message shown below.
The error message will tell you which data is missing and this has to be provided before the form can be submitted
If you click on OK the software will return you to the form where you can make the necessary corrections, after which you need to click on the Save Entry button again.
Once the new record has been successfully added to the database you will a confirmatory message.
Error message
To review the new entry click on View New Record button. The record can now be edited or added to using the Update Record option.
Field Type - Internal
Field Size - 100 Characters [1]
Editable - No
Media can only be added to the database if the Site to which it relates already exists in the Sites Database.
IHO stores information on the Media in two linked locations. Firstly a Media Record is created to hold the meta-data relevant to the media being added and this is written to the relevant county Media Database. The Media Database is differentiated from the Site Database by the suffix .Photo.
Thus the Media Database for West Yorkshire is WYK.Photo.
Records added to the Media Database are index by the unique Media ID which comprises of the Site ID followed by the sequential location the the Media Table.
For Example WYK00105.249 - would identify an image for site WYK00105.
Unmodified copies of the Media Files are stored separately in a Media Directory, where they are index by prefixing the original file name by a 10 digit time stamp generated when they are initially uploaded.
At the same time a low resolution 640 by 420 Watermarked Image is generated and stored separately and it is this image that is displayed on the web site.
Media IDs are related to the storage location in the database and as such Media added consecutively may not be numbered consecutively and this is nothing to worry about.
Media IDs cannot be edited or otherwise updated or changed.
There is no need to keep a record of the Media ID as it is possible to retrieve the entry from the database using the Search Engine using a wide range of search options
This allows users to flag any Media related to sites on private land to which there is no public access, or that may be susceptible to vandalism as Private Records, which are not displayed on Public Searches but are visible to other IHO Contributors.
Field Type - Mandatory - Default Value - Public
Field Size - 100 Characters
Editable - Yes
Tick this box if you wish to mark the media record as Private
If a Site Record has been marked as Private the Media Records will automatically be also marked as Private.
This section details the key data required to identify the media being uploaded
Field Type - Mandatory
Field Size - 100 Characters
Editable - No
Media Files to be added to the database can be selected by clicking on the Browse button. The Browse button opens a new window and it is possible to the normal navigation tools to select the directory and hence the Media File to be uploaded.
To ensure that all uploaded images have a unique file name, the original file name is prefixed with the 10 digit Unix timestamp which is the time the image was uploaded measured in seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT).
Thus a original image file called "Balme Mill.jpg" become "1407678020Balme Mill.jpg" when uploaded.
After selecting the Media File click on Open and the software will automatically upload the image file to the Media Directory. The software does not move, delete or change the Media File on the Local PC which is left intact. The software also records the location of the file on the Media Directory so that it can be retrieved and viewed by other users at a later date.
The software can handle file names such as "test's@homes'_Advert2.jpg" which becomes "16108121561889test's@homes'_Advert2.jpg"
Supported file types are:-
Documents - PDF
Images - GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG
Video - MP4
Audio - MP3
Files must not exceed 5Mb.
Field Type - Mandatory
Field Size - 100 Characters
Editable - Yes
Key Words are intended to provide a flexible solution to classifying what is illustrated by the Media.
Thus an image of a brick arched road bridge the Key Words would be:- bridge, road, arched, brick
Note:- by convention Key Words are written in lower case and are not be separated by commas
Further examples can be found at Key Words
Field Type - Mandatory
Field Size - 100 Characters
Editable - Yes
Captions should include a title followed by a brief description of the features or processes shown. Where photographs are of complex or unusual processes these should be described in detail and it should be not be assumed that the person viewing the image will have the necessary knowledge to understand the process being shown.
The following section details who created the Material being uploaded and further information and Guidance can be found in Appendix A Guidance on the use of Copyright Material on IHO
Field Type - Internal
Field Size - 40 Characters
Editable - No
The name of the person who took the picture or created the media. It cannot subsequently be modified.
Field Type - Internal
Field Size - 40 Characters
Editable - No
The date on which the picture was taken or the media was created. Approximate dates (eg About 1930) are acceptable. It cannot subsequently be modified.
Field Type - Internal
Field Size - 40 Characters
Editable - No
The Digital Copyright Holder is the person who created the original digital media file. For further information see Appendix A
This field cannot subsequently be modified.
Field Type - Internal
Field Size - 40 Characters
Editable - No
This is the date of on which the Digital Media was created. For a digital photograph this will be the date on which the photograph was taken. This field cannot subsequently be modified.
The Copyright Declaration is a legal statement setting out who, you the person uploading the media file, understands the Copyright Holder to be. As such once the Copyright Declaration has been made it can only be updated following consultation with the IHO Administrator.
Further Information and Guidance on Copyright can be found in Appendix A Guidance on the use of Copyright Material on IHO
The software only presents Contributors with the Copyright Declaration and other Copyright Information fields corresponding to the Copyright Category selected on the first page. This is to simplify the data entry process. The possible options are:-
Where you are the Copyright Holder by clicking on the Copyright Declaration you are also confirming that you grant YAHS and its successors non exclusive, unrestricted rights to store and publish the uploaded Media by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, in accordance with the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 Licence Agreement.
You do not need any further supporting documentation as you have accepted these terms when you became an IHO Contributor
Where you are uploading a Media File obtained from a Third Party you must have the Third Party Copyright Holder's written authorisation confirming that you can upload the Media to IHO and granting YAHS and its successors non exclusive, unrestricted rights to store and publish the uploaded Media by any means, electronic, mechanical, in accordance with the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 Licence Agreement and the IHO Code of Practice.
You must include a copy of this Authorisation in the Third Party Authorisation field together with any other details you feel may be helpful in the Additional Copyright Information.
If the Media is from the YAHS Collection, YAHS will be the Copyright Holder and as such no further Copyright Authorisation is required.
If you believe that the Media is Out of Copyright you must provide as many details as possible in the Additional Information field, explaining why you have reached this conclusion. This should include details of where the image was taken from ie Old Postcard or Photograph, that you own or have been loaned, or the name of the book or other publication and the date or your best estimate of the date.
It is appreciated that on occasions it will be difficult to assess the age of a photograph and in these cases you need to use your common sense. Where possible you should focus on Out of Copyright images that add value to the record and shows something that is important to the understanding of the site. Images of well know and well photographed sites have lower value and as such should not be uploaded unless you are certain of their age and origin. It is also acceptable to mark images as private while you seek the advice of other IHO Contributors, as these can always be taken removed if others are concerned
You need be careful with published material where the publisher may have extended the copyright and in those cases aim for nearer 100 years.
When uploading Media downloaded from the web it is essential that you comply fully with the web site's Public User Licence Agreement and provide as a very minimum the full URL for the image.
Sites known to have an acceptable Public User Licence Agreement as of August 2020 are:-
Field Type - Mandatory
Field Size - 40 Characters
Editable - No
If you have obtained the Third Party Authorisation by email please:-
If you have obtained the Third Party Authorisation in written form:-
Supported file types are: PDF, PNG, JPG and JPEG
Maximum size 5MB
Sample Email Wording
I [insert name] authorise [insert name] to upload the following photographs/images/media files [select as appropriate] [then detail the material being uploaded] to the IHO web site. I confirm I grant YAHS and its successors unrestricted, non-exclusive rights to store and publish the uploaded media by any means, electronic, mechanical, in accordance with the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 Licence Agreement and the IHO Code of Practice.
[insert mane] [insert date]
It is appreciated that not everyone will be happy to adopt the above wording. In these cases as long as their email conveys the same concept it should be acceptable. When this happens please forward the email to the IHO Administrator on who will advise.
Where someone gives you a number of images relating to a single site, provided that it list all the images it is acceptable for the authorisation to only be uploaded once and then to cross reference this in the Additional Copyright Information field. As the forms are indexed by the Site / Image ID this should be included. If the images are for multiple sites, then please upload the form for each site.
Field Type - Mandatory
Field Size - 40 Characters
Editable - No
If you have uploaded any Media downloaded from the web you must include the URL in the form:- https://www.(web-address)/.
Field Type - Optional but strongly recommended
Field Size - 40 Characters
Editable - Yes
Where you are not the Copyright Holder please detail the source of the media as fully as possible. This information will save time if copyright queries arise.
This section records the details of the person who entered the record, the date on which the record was created and the Society the contributor is a member of.
All the fields are internally generated and cannot be edited by users. The purpose of this section is to allow the Moderator or Administrator to contact the contributor if there is a query with the Media File or Media Record.
Field Type - Internal
Field Size - 40 Characters
Editable - No
This is the name of person added the image / media file. It is internally generated and cannot be modified.
Field Type - Internal
Field Size - 40 Characters
Editable - No
This is the date on which the media record was originally entered. It is internally generated and cannot be modified.
Field Type - Internal
Field Size - 40 Characters
Editable - No
This is name of the Society which the Contributor is a member of. It is internally generated and cannot be modified.
Field Type - Internal
Field Size - 40 Characters
Editable - Yes
Only click this box if the record is 100% complete and you wish it to be Moderated and made available on the public pages of the web media. It is unlikely that many records will be completed following initial data entry.
Field Type - Internal
Field Size - 40 Characters
Editable - No
When the entry is complete click on the Save Entry button
By clicking on the Save button you are granting YAS the legal right to store and publish this record in accordance with the following:-
The database allocates storage space on the basis of the number of characters. Characters include all letters, numbers, punctuation and blank spaces and it is normal to divide the number of characters by 10 to convert it into an estimate of the equivalent number of words.