Industrial History Online

Industrial History Online

Middleton Railway

Caption :- Inscription on John Blenkinsop's grave, Holy Trinity Church, Rothwell, Leeds. The wording reads:

"Sacred to the memory of Mr John Blenkinsop, upwards of twenty three years steward to the Middleton Estate, who departed this life January 22nd 1831. Aged 47 years. Sincerely regretted by all who knew him."

Added later:

"The centenary observed 25th January 1931. John Blenkinsop invented the rack railway in 1811 and on a line he built between Leeds and Middleton, 4 Matthew Murray locomotives ran from 1812 to 1835. His system was adopted at Newcastle-on-Tyne in 1813 and Wigan 1814 - these railways were the first on which steam locomotion was a commercial success."

Media Reference :- IMG_1998_Blenkinsop_i_resized.png
Key Words :- Blenkinsop, Middleton, Rothwell
Original Media Date :- 14 August 2018
Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa/4.0 - © Jane Ellis - IHO

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