Industrial History Online

Recording Our Industrial Heritage

Images from the IHO Archive

Industrial History Online

Recording and Communicating Our Industrial Heritage

Images from the IHO Archive

The IHO database currently contains 27226 records and 7544 images

Humber Bridge - Hull

Humber Bridge viewed from Hessle

For 17 years, the Humber Bridge was the longest single-span suspension bridge in the world. Opened to traffic on 24 June 1981, the bridge has a span of 2,220-metre (7,280 ft). With a central span of 1,410 metres (4,626 ft) it remains the longest bridge span in the UK. The north tower is sited on the high water line while the south tower founded in shallow water 500m from the shore.

Date 4 July 2017

Grid Reference:- TA 02338 25333

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