Industrial History Online

Industrial History Online

Albion Mill, Halifax

Caption :- The Albion Mil site originally comprised a large single storey weaving shed, supported along one side by the railway station retaining wall, a four storey warehouse alongside the Hebble Brook (seen in the photograph), a second, Italianate style warehouse, at the southern end of the site near to Lilly Mill dam, and a small dye house occupying the site of the entrance to the former baths (SE 09756 24773). The whole site has now been cleared and landscaped; two stone vats which may have been used in the dye house have been retained as decorative planters. Photo. April 1994.

Media Reference :- PJ9279-03.jpg
Key Words :- carpet factory confectionery works
Original Media Date :- April 1994
Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa/4.0 - © Peter Robinson - IHO

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