Industrial History Online

Industrial History Online

45 Church Street/Blackledge

Caption :- Former Station Works and warehouse, Blackledge/Church Street, Halifax. Built originally as a four storey warehouse, coffee house and restaurant, the building featured fine ashlar stonework. Adjacent to the (Imperial) Crown Hotel and to Square Road, it featured carved arched window heads, two of which incorporated representations of the original owners, Mr William Aspinall and his wife, Nancy, in their keystones. For a time the building housed a branch of the Halifax Cocoa and Refreshment House Company. The building is now demolished and forms a garden for the adjoining hotel. Photo. January 1982.

Media Reference :- PE7330.jpg
Key Words :- warehouse, coffee tavern
Original Media Date :- January 1982
Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa/4.0 - © Peter Robinson - IHO

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