Industrial History Online

Industrial History Online

Wool warehouse, Causeway

Description and History of Site:-
This small block of four-storey warehouses is fairly plain in design, but features a plinth at basement level with simple arcading to emphasise ground floor windows and a string course above. Conversion to residential use has led to the loss of two out of the three sets of external loading doors, though the roof level gables clearly indicate their locations. Car parking has been created at the rear on part of the site formerly occupied by the Alhambra Works (WYK 00777). The site was purchased in 1856 by Samuel Whitehead from the trustees of the Waterhouse Charities, whereon he erected two wool warehouses in 1865, to the designs of James Mallinson. In 1887 the occupants were W. Helliwell, iron and tin plate workers, but by 1894 the top warehouse was used by a firm of wool working machinery makers, with the remainder used for brush making. By 1936 both warehouses were in multiple use, the upper building by Walter Greenwood and E. Helliwell Ltd, both wool merchants, and the lower warehouse by Scipio Brook Ltd., wholesale drysalters, W. Cleary & Son, printers and machine rulers, and H. Mitchell, printers and stationers. In recent years the premises have undergone conversion for residential purposes.

Further Reading and References:-
J.H. Patchett, 'The Development of the Area to the West of Halifax Parish Church (c1540-c1965)', Transactions of the Halifax Antiquarian Society, New Series vol. 13, 2005, p. 29.
Goad insurance plans 1887-1930.

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Key Words :- textiles wool warehouse

Viewing the Site :- Can be viewed from Causeway.

Address :- Causeway, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX1 1QH
Grid Ref :- SE 09653 25203
Co-ordinates :- Lat 53.723145 , Long -1.855189
Local Authority :- Calderdale Council
Pre 1974 County :- Yorkshire - West Riding
Site Status :- Site extant - Protected status unknown
Site Condition :- Site redeveloped to residential housing
Site Dates :- 1865 -
Record Date :- 19 April 2017

Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 © Peter Robinson