Industrial History Online

Industrial History Online

Economic Stores Bakery

Description and History of Site:-
The site comprised a model bakery of 1924 and a multi-storey extension of 1937 executed in 'moderne' style constructed chiefly in brick, both at the rear of the site. A further bakery extension of 1942 was erected at the front of the site on part of a former motor garage dating from 1920. From the 1920s the Economic Stores employed architect George Reginald Oddy, who developed a house style for the company's shops and properties in the 'moderne' style with art deco motifs. In 1920 the company acquired the former Central works site which it developed over two decades into a motor garage facility for the company's vehicles, together with a large model bakery. The company enjoyed considerable prosperity until the 1960s, but the growth of large supermarkets following the abolition of resale price maintenance led to a slow decline and closure of branches eventually ending the business in the mid 1970s. Harold Marshall, engineers, was established in 1974 and next occupied the premises. During the 1990s, the business was acquired by Greening and Crowther. A branch of Burger King has since been erected on the site.

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Key Words :- motor vehicle garage bakery engineering

Viewing the Site :- The site can easily be seen from Square Road.

Address :- Square Road, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX1 1NA
Grid Ref :- SE 09575 25127
Co-ordinates :- Lat 53.722463 , Long -1.856373
Local Authority :- Calderdale Council
Pre 1974 County :- Yorkshire - West Riding
Site Status :- Site demolished or no longer extant
Site Condition :- Site redeveloped to industrial / commercial use
Site Dates :- 1920 - late 1990s
Record Date :- 17 April 2017

Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 © Peter Robinson