Industrial History Online

Industrial History Online

Wool Warehouse, 27 Square Road, Halifax

Description and History of Site:-
The site comprises a part of the town's eastern through route and an adjacent car park, formerly occupied by an elaborate four storey wool warehouse erected in two sections during 1860 and 1861, occupying a trapezium shaped plot between Square Road and Church Street. Probably the most elaborate of the three Square Road wool warehouses designed by John Hogg, and executed in two separate phases; the first along the north side of the site comprising a single, four-storey warehouse and cellar with offices to Square Road, and a second, similar phase, comprising two warehouses facing south with offices in Church Street. Hogg's clients were Messrs. Cooper and Crossley, woolstaplers, originally of Old Cock Yard, though in 1874 John Crossley, junior was the occupant. Later occupants included Thomas Whitehead, wool merchant, 1887; Wilkinson & Wallace, wool merchants and F. Reddaway & Co. Ltd. India rubber and belting manufacturers, 1905; Wilkinson & Wallace alone in 1936. The last occupants were Wilkinson and Wallace, and Collins Fibres in 1981, during which year the premises were entirely destroyed by fire.

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Key Words :- textiles wool warehouse

Viewing the Site :- Site is best viewed from Church Street or Square Road. No visible remains.

Address :- Square Road, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX1 1QG
Grid Ref :- SE 09665 25089
Co-ordinates :- Lat 53.722120 , Long -1.855011
Local Authority :- Calderdale Council
Pre 1974 County :- Yorkshire - West Riding
Site Status :- Site demolished or no longer extant
Site Condition :- Site redeveloped to industrial / commercial use
Site Dates :- 1860-61 - 1981
Record Date :- 15 April 2017

Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 © Peter Robinson